An event was held on the topic "The main difficulties in achieving gender equality".

By the decision of the UN General Assembly, every year November 25 is celebrated as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In this regard, the Ministry of Justice, together with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, held an event dedicated to the International Day of Combating Violence against Women on the theme "Main difficulties in achieving gender equality" in prison No. 4 of the Penitentiary Service.

AZERTAC informs that at the event were the leaders of the Ministry of Justice, Commissioner for Human Rights Sabina Aliyeva, Head of the Secretariat of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, Department Head of the Ministry of Economy Huseyn Huseynov, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Azerbaijan Vladanka Andreyeva, Chairman of the Mediation Council Nadir Adilov, Family , representatives of the State Committee on Women and Children's Issues, other state institutions and organizations, scientific and educational institutions, lawyers, civil society institutions, law students and media representatives participated.

First, they got acquainted with the operation of the new penitentiary institutions for female and juvenile convicts, which were opened with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev, and the modern conditions created.

Aynur Sabitova, Head of Human Rights and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Justice, participated in the event dedicated to future perspectives in achieving the 5th (Gender Equality), 10th (Reduction of Inequality) and 16th (Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions) goals of Sustainable Development. welcoming the protection of women's rights, ensuring gender equality, prevention of domestic violence in our country, important steps have been taken in this field, he emphasized the projects implemented in effective cooperation with relevant state institutions and civil society institutions. He said that the role of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, represented by the Ministry of Justice, is very important in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, and important practical work has been done by the Council in this direction in the past period.

Ogtay Mammadov, Deputy Head of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, noted that strengthening the family institution, protecting the rights of children and women is one of the main priorities of the state. He said that successive reforms are being carried out in this direction under the leadership of the head of state. He emphasized that the penal-executive legislation has been improved and the rights and privileges of female prisoners have been strengthened, a new penitentiary facility has been put into use and the conditions of detention have been modernized, special importance has been given to their reintegration into society.

Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Sabina Aliyeva said that the transformation of women into society and their placement in state institutions is the result of the policy of the great leader Heydar Aliyev. Today, giving women equal rights with men is the result of the state's reforms in this field. This causes women to occupy a place in various fields of society.

He pointed out that serious work is being done in the field of protection of women's rights and gender equality in the city and regions.

Sabina Aliyeva stated that regular meetings and discussions are held in order to reintegrate the persons deprived of their freedom into the society and noted that the activity of women in production and labor institutions will support their reformation. In addition, the subject "Introduction to Gender" is taught at Baku State University.

Vladanka Andreyeva, the resident coordinator of the UN in Azerbaijan, expressed her satisfaction with the celebration of the International Day against Violence against Women in such a modern penitentiary institution and highly appreciated her first visit to the institution and the conditions created here: "While getting acquainted with the institution, I saw that women can spend their free time effectively , mastering new professions and preparing certain products in the production areas of the enterprise, it is very gratifying that they even get a certain income from their sale. It would be great if the choices in professional activities were expanded. It is important for women to earn income in the penitentiary. Because they can do any work after they are released."

Huseyn Huseynov, the head of the Secretariat of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, spoke about the international experience in the field of ensuring gender equality, fighting against women's violence, and touched on the work done in this field in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. He said that the elimination of violence against women should be kept in mind not only today, but always. Protection of women's rights is one of the main topics of international organizations.

In order to achieve gender equality in the event, at the same time, women

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